Purchasing the right kitchen kit is a joy itself. And many people do not worry about the further state of their purchase – after all, the kitchen will need to be assembled. And this is not as simple as it might have seemed at first, even despite the existing instructions for assembling kitchen furniture. Refusal of services of professional collectors can increase both time and costs of own forces.
The opinion of professional kitchen assemblers
The opinion of specialists in professional kitchen assembly differs from the opinion of ordinary buyers. Furniture is becoming more diverse, has many technical nuances, and at the same time, the process of installing it is now quite complicated, not without the hands of specialists. The assembly is not so expensive, it will soon allow you to fully use the purchase, which, thanks to experts, will be assembled reliably and properly.

Assembly difficulties
An integral design cannot be called elementary combination or screwing of parts to each other, with this approach it is difficult to guarantee the receipt of the desired product. It is difficult to take into account all the intricacies of the professional assembly of the kitchen, without the appropriate knowledge. Poorly closing cabinet doors of your new kitchen, crooked shelves, loosely fixed screws, as well as features of the surface on which it will all be attached, are a small fraction of the problems for a person who decides to install furniture on his own. Here you can not do without the proper skill and experience of such work.
It is important for the owner of a kitchen headset to determine how much he can handle himself before starting work. This will help answers to questions such as:
- Have you practiced collecting different kitchen designs before? how successful?
- Do you know the tools that will be needed, do they exist, and do you know how to use them?
- Is it important for you to assemble a kitchen so that it lasts for more than one year?
- Aren’t you afraid to break something while trying to assemble all the parts yourself?
They will allow you to avoid mistakes that will subsequently cost extra time and additional material costs.

To assemble kitchen furniture with your own hands or not
If during the answers to questions you negatively assessed the level of your capabilities, then you should study the market for services related to the professional assembly and installation of kitchen furniture, as well as get acquainted with the organizations that provide these services. It is necessary to analyze them for the presence of a certain length of service, the price list for furniture assembly nyc, and it will not hurt to read reviews about the quality of the relevant activities. Despite all the advantages of the services of specialists in this field, many prefer non-professionals working at a lower price, citing the following arguments in favor of their choice: the main thing is that there are hands; you can collect anything with a screwdriver and a drill; after all, there is instruction; in extreme cases, they can do something, but I will collect something myself or neighbors and friends will come to help.
Not so easy
It is possible to collect anything you like using a screwdriver and a drill – there is a big difference between what is in stock at home and what technical means are needed specifically for collecting, in this case, a kitchen set. Conventional tools can help out when performing simple household tasks, but they can not be compared with tools for professional assembly of the kitchen, in price and quality. Most often, the latter are more reliable, of a completely different quality, but they cost more, and not everyone can afford them, in addition to the fact that they need to be able to handle.